Beaver Dam Company – Edouard Hue

All I Need

Is there any hope for society's self-destructive downward spiral to be halted? This is the central question behind the new (2021) piece of acclaimed choreographer and dancer Edouard Hue (Swiss Dance Awards 2019), noted for his collaborations with Hofesh Shechter, and his company, the Beaver Dam Company. Dancers are immersed into a complex, fascinating ballet composed of delicate balances, retreats, advances. Will our protagonists find a way out of this hostile world? Drawing inspiration from the strategy board game go, Edouard Hue is driven by the power of urgency, calling our attention to a fundamental need: listening to each other. All we need.

Post-show talk on June 1 with Edouard Hue. Moderated by George Mitropoulos.


The successful collaboration launched in 2021 between the Athens Epidaurus Festival and the Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, continues this year at the heart of Peiraios 260, building an invaluable bridge between theory and practice. Half an hour before our admission to the theatre venues, young theatre researchers will whet our appetite for the much-anticipated performances, hone our sensibility, and decipher the often challenging “codes” of contemporary performing arts.

*The Prologue initiative will take place before the start of international productions
