Held with huge success this winter in the Argolis area, where it saw the participation of 25 schools and local cultural institutions, the programme Educating audiences in ancient drama now travels all the way to Kalavryta. On Sunday 22nd April, the programme will expand to include 48 school students of the town of Kalavryta, with Vasileios Spanos, principal of the Kalavryta Gymnasium and Lyceum, in charge of the initiative. The students will participate in theatre education workshops, with educators and collaborators of Athens & Epidaurus Festival Angeliki Tsakona and Giouli Douvou serving as motivators. In this 5-hour workshop, students will examine the content, main concepts, and characteristics of Aeschylus’  Prometheus Bound through a number of theatrical activities, on the occasion of the performance that is to be directed later this summer by Martha Frintzila and presented at the Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus, 

The programme is realized in collaboration with Athens & Epidaurus Festival and the Theatre Studies Department, School of Fine Arts, University of the Peloponnese, and is run by Georgina Kakoudaki, Christina Zoniou, and Angeliki Tsakona.

Educating audiences in ancient Drama in Kalavryta is realized with the support of Mr. Giannis Michalidis, in memory of his late daughter, Sophia, and is part of the Epidaurus Lyceum Parallel Events.