Hellas München, the new project by the artistic duo Anestis Azas-Prodromos Tsinikoris, whose names have become synonymous with documentary theatre in Greece, is having its world premiere on Friday, March 16, at the celebrated state-funded Kammerspiele theatre in Munich.

The performance will adopt the format of a live radio show, with music and song dedications, modelled after the well-known Greek Radio from Munich. Young Greeks who have immigrated to Munich due to the current economic crisis will share their life stories on stage, revealing the circumstances of their life in Greece when the crisis first broke out, as well as the difficulties they faced when they first moved in Germany.

The production has attracted considerable attention, as evidenced by the story of journalist Maria Rigoutsou for Deutsche Welle. In this video, the director and protagonist Prodromos Tsinikoris shares his thoughts on the project. Viewers can also get a taste of the final rehearsals before the premiere.

Hellas München is a Münchner Kammerspiele production, co-produced with Athens & Epidaurus Festival, and will be presented at Athens Festival, on July 10-12, at Peiraios 260, Hall E.