“From the dramatic to the architectural space through set design”

Set design workshop, as part of the retrospective-installation 
Rooms of Memory. Wandering into Loula Anagnostaki’s World

20-21-22 April 2018

Exhibiting mostly unpublished and never-before-displayed footage, following an original archival research, this retrospective will present the life and work of the major Greek dramatist, anatomizing her career in post-WWII Greek theatre, starting in 1965 when Anagnostaki made her debut at the Greek Art Theatre to our times.

How is it possible to transform an exhibition about a playwright into an experiential event?

How is it possible to circumvent the merely expository description of a life’s work in order to be able to recreate the mechanisms of artistic creations? Free associations, references, correlations inspired by Anagnostaki’s plays will be utilized as the material of a new super-dramaturgy, one that is subjective and potentially infinitely in-progress.

The 3-day scenography workshop will emphasize this investigatory, ‘open’ and interactive qualities by wedding the artistic and educational aspects of this project.
The workshop is realized with the participation of 60 students from the Department of Interior Architecture of the University of West Attica and the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Crete.


This workshop aims to explore the notion of space as an active field, with narrativity, mutability and movement as prerequisites for imparting the intensity and vivacity of artistic creation.
The most interesting works of the students (models, designs, videos, photos) to emerge out of this workshop will be exhibited as part of the scheduled exhibition.



Loukia Martha, Chara Agaliotou, Giannis Sgouras, architects (University of Western Attica)

Alexandros Vazakas, professor of architecture (School of Architecture, Technical University of Crete)

Dramaturgical team

Dimitra Kondylaki, co-curator of Athens Festival, curator of the exhibition

Grigoris Ioannidis, associate professor, Department of Theatre, University of Athens

Manos Karatzogiannis, actor-director

The workshop will consist of four sections:

A. Dramaturgical analysis- Introduction to Loula Anagnostaki’s theatre

Dimitra Kondylaki – Grigoris Ioannidis – Manos Karatzogiannis

B.  Set design

Creating architectural prototypes in 1/25 scale, drafts, sketches, collages, designs.

C.  Video recording

Capturing the entire workshop in photos and videos.

D.  Visual video

Loula Anagnostaki’s life and work will result in the creation of a work of visual art, bringing the participants in contact with constantly evolving audiovisual techniques.

Three student groups will be subdivided in working groups, each one tackling one of the above areas (scenography/video recording/visual video). The workshop’s end result will emerge out of a process of space design and video through the coexistence of 2D and 3D space.


Athens Festival, Peiraios 260, Hall A


20-21-22 April 2018

How long:

3 days, 8 hours/day


Athens & Epidaurus Festival – Department of Interior Architecture of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens – School of Architecture of the Technical University of Crete