Nea Skini - Lefteris Voyatzis
by Sophocles
Sing, little Antigone, sing, sing...
I speak to you not of things past, I speak of love
These lines from the poem Thrush (Kilchi in the Greek) by George Seferis came vividly to life in the Nea Skini production of Antigone, which brought the 2006 Epidaurus Festival to a triumphant close at the packed to capacity ancient theatre.
This production will appear at the festival once again this year, for those who were not able to see it first time round (performances were sold out), and for those who would like to see it again. Two performances are never, in any case, the same, and this is especially true of works directed by Lefteris Voyatzis, whose name has become synonymous with prolonged, exhaustive rehearsal processes.