Neos Kosmos Theatre – Vaggelis Theodoropoulos
Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae (Assemblywomen)
If Aristophanes were alive today, would he still hand over the affairs of state to its women? As he once proposed, in 392 BC, when his city, Athens, was defeated and in decline. Faithful to tradition and good with money, the Athenian women of the Ecclesiazusae—a comedy of a more philosophical than political bent—declare the common ownership of all property. Could this be the comic poet’s response to Plato’s Republic?
In this contemporary reading directed by Vangelis Theodoropoulos, the Neos Kosmos Theatre explores the issue of women’s rule and revels in the theatre inherent in the exchanging of gender roles.
In this contemporary reading directed by Vangelis Theodoropoulos, the Neos Kosmos Theatre explores the issue of women’s rule and revels in the theatre inherent in the exchanging of gender roles.