Pantelis Makkas

Antistoli (Counter-Uniform)
Artistic reenactment of Alexandros Grigoropoulos' murder

Antistoli is an artistic video re-enactment of a historical event, the murder of student Alexis Grigoropoulos on December 6, 2008 by an armed police officer. The incident triggered a wave of nationwide indignation in Greece and gave rise to unprecedented riots, mainly the Athens, the “worst since the restoration of democracy in 1974.”
Guided by choreographer Angeliki Stellatou, sixty performers clash, while the camera minutely captures the violence, the persons’ bodies, feelings and faces, the overall ambience, the vibe, the fear, the dynamics of the crowd. With the help of a high-speed camera (400 frames per second), Makkas transforms three minutes of intense live action into a 45-minute single shot. Antistoli is structured as a slow-speed presentation of a single shot, without any external intervention in the flow and the development of the events and without editing.
In addition to his rich body of work as a visual artist and research, Pantelis Makkas is also an accomplished video artist, with collaborations with Greek Art Theatre Karolos Koun, National Theatre of Greece, ODC Ensemble (Re-Volt Athens and Louisette: The Backstage to Revolution, both presented at Athens Festival), the Apo Michanis Theatre. Makkas has also worked as set designer and actor.

Free admission
Opening hours: 20:00-24:00

Duration 43' (five screenings per day)

Peiraios 260 (A2)

  • 10/06 until 20/07/2018 at 20:00
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