Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto
Wolf & BLISS
Two pieces by Hofesh Shechter and Johan Inger
Active since 1977, the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto is comprised of internationally acclaimed dancers and has been distinguished for the very high level of its performers and artistic directors. Numerous world-famous choreographers have collaborated with the group (Mauro Bigonzetti, Andonis Foniadakis, William Forsythe, Johan Inger, Jiří Kylián, Cristina Rizzo, Hofesh Shechter, to name a few). In the diptych performance to be held at the Athens Festival, the group works together with major choreographers: in the first part, Hofesh Shechter conjures an electrified universe with Wolf, whereas in the second part, Johan Inger is inspired by Keith Jarrett’s The Köln Concert for his Bliss piece.
Hofesh Shechter – Wolf
The world-renowned choreographer Hofesh Shecter, whom we last enjoyed at the Athens Festival 2017 with Grand Finale, returns with an older piece of his, inspired by and reworked exclusively for the 16 amazing dancers of Aterballetto. The group is overcome with a wild, animalistic energy, creating an unprecedented universe, whose main ingredients are constant tension, the contrast between light and darkness, and music, composed, as always, by Shechter himself. In the creator’s own words: “Dance is like a dream; when you wake up you can’t explain how and why certain thoughts and things occurred, and why they occurred in that precise manner”.
Johan Inger – Bliss
The Swedish choreographer Johan Inger, who has been distinguished as a dancer and choreographer at Nederlands Dans Theater and has received the Carina Ari medal for his contribution to Swedish dance, presents Bliss (Danza&Danza Award 2016 for Best Italian Production), a piece inspired by Keith Jarrett’s iconic concert album The Köln Concert (1975), the highest-selling solo jazz album and piano album of all time. According to Inger, this work “inspired and touched millions of people due to its perfect timing of catching a generation moving from one part of their lives to another. My task, together with the dancers will be how we relate to this iconic music. There is both a composing and an emotional challenge as to how we meet this music with today’s eyes.”
Part of the programme "Tempo Forte Italia- Ελλάδα 2019", an initiative of the Embassy of Italy in Athens, along with cultural institutions, foundations, museums, artists and friends of culture from Greece and Italy, aimed at bringing "more Italy to Greece and more Greece to Italy."
The founding members of Fondazione Nazionale della Danza/Aterballetto are Region Emilia-Romagna and Municipality of Reggio Emilia. Its activities are supported by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Italian Institutes of Culture and the Italian Embassies.