«18 Beaufort» – Olia Lazaridou

Bertolt Brecht, He who says yes  – He who says no

“The key thing is to learn when to agree...”. The 18 BEAUFORT theatre company, which was formed last year by a group of people who had completed the rehabilitation programme at the “18 Ano” Drug Dependency Unit of the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, has chosen to introduce itself to – and entertain – us with this didactic work by Berthold Brecht.

Written in 1930 as operas for children, the two plays are based on a text for the Japanese No Theatre and raise the subject of self-sacrifice for the sake of the community. With Olia Lazaridou at their side, the company have created a magical musico-theatrical production out of their own ideas. Through music, fairytale and dance, they invite us to recall the scent and the sound of things we have loved and dreamed of but lost, thanks to a wrong ‘yes’ or an ill-considered ‘no’.

“It’s time we all re-called them!”, they tell us.