Elizabeth Marie

by Alexandra Badéa

Extremophiles, the micro-organisms that survive in extreme conditions without oxygen in the ocean depths are juxtaposed here with the lives of men. As globalisation puts our intercommunication to the test, dreams, desires and memories meet on a global platform where they are subject to a single, solitary law: the law of the market. Badéa’s play (Grand Prix de la littérature dramatique, French national Theatre Centre, 2013) relates a dive in deep waters and seeks to shed light on the cracks in the consciousness of three individuals: a high-level political adviser, a soldier who operates drones, and a researcher who renounces science for the sake of a multinational. Fragments of thoughts, waves of discourse, currents of words; scattered, they allow connections to crystallize and dissolve before our eyes.

World Premiere

Performed in French and Greek with Greek surtitles.

On 7/7, the performance will be followed by an audience discussion.