Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota

Eugène Ionesco, Rhinoceros

After a gap of six years, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota revisits, with the same company, a classic work from the Theatre of the Absurd: Ionesco’s Rhinoceros. If Ionesco wrote Rhinoceros as a condemnation of 20th-century totalitarianism in all its forms, Demarcy-Mota reads it today as a parable of enforced conformity, of a tyrantless tyranny – a state of voluntary slavery imposed by our neighbours or even by ourselves. The charging rhinoceroses in his on-stage spectacular are the offspring of the tyrannies of fashion, of the consumer society and of capitalist alienation.

In French with Greek surtitles

Production Théâtre de la Ville, Paris – Grand
Théâtre de Luxembourg – Le grand T-scène
conventionnée de Loire-atlantique.
Supported by
Hospitality sponsor