Lathos Kinisi (“Wrong Move”) Dance Co.

Battles of Marathon

The Battles of Marathon is a work that attempts to trace the essence of racism in Greek society.

It is Us against the Others, where the Others are foreigners, people who are different both physically and culturally.

The ironic title plays on the fact that the site where the first battle between Greeks and “barbarians” took place is today an area called home by immigrants from Asia, and one that hosts sports venues built by the Greek victors.

During this ten-part performance, the children of asylum seekers and migrant workers from Kurdistan, Turkey, Chechnya, Iran, Poland, Moldavia, Albania and elsewhere, meet with children their own age from Years 2 and 3 of the Gerakas Arts High School in a fantastical battle in which they must all together fight the barbarity of contemporary civilisation, which forbids any sort of difference.

The Lathos Kinisi (“Wrong Move”) Dance Co. is funded by Hellenic Ministry of Culture.