Live Arts
Anthropophagy in the work of Mapa Teatro
What does anthropophagic artistic practice mean?
We understand “antropophagy” as an ethical-aesthetic position particular to the Latino American subcontinent, dominating the work that Mapa Teatro has been developing for decades in this part of the world. Politics of desire that consist of becoming vulnerable to other bodies, other social imageries, other poetics and ways of doing, in all their diversity and strangeness. To incorporate them, digest them, make them ours, (sub)vert them into events, producing friction in our own bodies, our subjectivities, which seek form in individual and collective gestures and artistic actions: bodily, choreographic, cinematic, performative, scriptural, musical, plastic, sound, vocal, visual, cartographic. Frictions that lead us to other postulations and dispositifs like these which, in an act of provocation, we have named live arts; enhancers of possible shifts in a landscape of contrasts and paradoxes as is our continent: opulent and miserable, open and intolerant, conventional and creative, brazen and demure, all at once.
Heidi and Rolf Abderhaldem will work on some paradigmatic examples of their trans-disciplinary art work. The workshop is directed to artists of all disciplines or any other person interested in the creation process.
The workshop will be taught in English
Date: 2 July
Place: Athens Concert Hall (Megaron)
Workshop hours: 10:00-14:30 (with intermission)
Apply at seminars@greekfestival
Attendance is free of charge
Heidi, Elizabeth and Rolf Abderhalden Cortés founded Mapa Teatro in 1984, in Paris, after finishing their first artistic training. Heidi and Rolf trained in Paris at Jacques Lecoq’s International Theatre School, as well as at the LEM Movement Studies Laboratory, and Elizabeth graduated from the London School of Fashion, in London. For several years, Elizabeth worked in India, where she studied Ari, an ancient Indian embroidery technique. Since Mapa Teatro was created, Elizabeth has designed the costumes for all their productions.
Heidi completed her theatrical training at Philippe Gaulier’s School and also trained with Monika Pagneux, who taught at Peter Brook’s International Centre for Theatre Research, and Yoshi Oida, among others. Some years later, she specialised in Movement Studies and Functional Integration (Feldenkrais Technique) at the Accord Mobile Association, also in Paris.
Before dedicating himself entirely to artistic creation and the pedagogy of the arts, Rolf completed his studies in Art Therapy at the School of Higher Social and Pedagogical Studies in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since returning to Bogotá, he has studied a Masters in Visual Arts at the National University of Colombia and later a Doctorate in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technology of the Arts at the University of Paris VIII.
Heidi and Rolf returned to Colombia in 1986 where they develop their concept of "Live Arts" and the "Laboratory of Social Imagination", forming temporary experimental artistic communities and a trans-disciplinary group, that accompanies them to the present: Adriana Urrea, José Ignacio Rincón, Ximena Vargas, Jef Dubois, Pierre Henri Magnin, Julián Díaz, Andrés Castañeda, Juan Ernesto Díaz, Agnes Brekke, Santiago Sepúlveda, as well as a group of collaborators such as Consuelo Avella, Marisol Manzares, José Forero, Alirio García, Leidy Milena Galindo y Mauricio Corredor.
Rolf is Associate Professor at the National University of Colombia, where he created the Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Theatre and Live Arts, together with Heidi Abderhalden, Adriana Urrea, José Alejandro Restrepo and Víctor Viviescas.
Like its thought-creation platform "Experimenta/sur", the poetic-political work of Mapa Teatro has overflowed disciplinary, linguistic and geographical boundaries for more than thirty years.
Megaron - The Athens Concert Hall
- 02/07/2018 at 10:00
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Megaron - The Athens Concert Hall
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