Luc Bondy

The False Secrets
by Pierre De Marivaux

An author who engages with the metaphysics of the heart, Marivaux exalts the strategies of the amorous ambush and questions love while indirectly underlining social inequalities. In The False Secrets (1737), when impoverished Dorante falls for Araminte, a rich widow, love triumphs in the end with a servant's help.
Luc Bondy, a major director in the European theatrical scene, makes his Greek debut with a production that steers clear of stereotypes and brings the text into the present-day. Highlighting the expressive elegance of Marivaux's language, the production is built upon splendid performances, and Isabelle Huppert's above all, as she negotiates her character's emotional vicissitudes with bravura.

In French with Greek surtitles

Production: Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe
Co-production: Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, Célestins-Théâtre de Lyon
With the support of LVMH, Cercle de l’Odéon, Christian et Béatrice Schlumberger
With the collaboration of Dior for the costumes of Isabelle Huppert

Supported by Institut Français in the framework of Grèce France Alliance 2014 programme