Masterclass with playwright Αlexandra Badéa

Writing in Search [Ecrire en Quête]

Aimed at playwrights and theatre professionals with a special interest in writing for the stage, but also at a less specialized public.

Using a photograph, a work of art, an eye-witness account or piece of photojournalism as a stimulus for writing. Lost in a network of visual data from which you try to extract fragments of stories which could intersect with your own (his)story. Automatic writing—spontaneous, direct writing that comes in waves, fragmented and fragmentary, personal, poetic and political. You draw on your personal memory in order to capture the ever-changing world of today with all its fractures and discontinuities. Beginning with yourself, what touches you, what hurts you, in an effort to open up to a new, all-embracing reality.


Αlexandra Badéa

One of the most interesting voices in contemporary European theatre, the Rumanian playwright and director Αlexandra Badéa has lived and worked in France since 2003. She writes in French. Her work is published by L’Arche éditeur, one of the most prestigious European publishing houses for drama, and have been staged at prestigious venues and international festivals. Her play Pulvérisés earned her the French national Theatre Centre’s Grand Prix de la littérature dramatique, 2013. This is the first time work of hers has been staged in Greece.

6 July, 18:00-20: 00, Athens School of Fine Art (De Chirico Auditorium)