Mikri Porta Theatre - Lilo Baur

Robinson and Crusoe
by Nino d’Introna & Giacomo Ravicchio

A great flood forces two soldiers whose countries are at war to live together on a roof. They are enemies and do not speak each other’s language. How will they communicate?

The make a start with conflict and a show of strength. “When they have exhausted themselves in pointless quarreling”, the director explains, “they realize they are both caught in nature’s net. Their attitude to one another gradually changes as they realize that living with someone else is easier than being alone. They pass their time inventing games, and a number of amusing situations arise from their not knowing each other’s language. They are children again”.

In her turn, Lilo Baur—who has worked alongside Peter Brook and at the Théâtre de Complicité—knows how to teach her actors to communicate, like children, using body language.

In the Israeli production of the work, the two roles were played by a Jew and an Arab respectively.