The Eumenides: “Now either I’m forever gone or I enjoy the sun”

Athens & Epidaurus Festival, once again attempting to establish a relationship between audiences and ancient drama in terms of its form and content, continues the programme Educating audiences in ancient drama in Argolis for the third consecutive year.

The programme is realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Nafplion, in collaboration with the Theatre Studies Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of the Peloponnese. The 2o19 programme is launched on Monday 18 February at the Vouleftikon Hall in Nafplion, at 18:00, featuring director Georgia Mavragani as guest speaker.

The director will run a workshop entitled "The Eumenides: Now I'm forever gone or I enjoy the sun," dealing with Aeschylus’ tragedy The Eumenides. Mavragani will present a production of the play at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus on 28 and 28 June 2019, as part of a three-part production presenting Aeschylus’ Oresteia trilogy.

Participants will read excerpts from the play and will investigate the rituals and functions present in The Eumenides. 

Vouleftikon Nafpliou

  • 18/02/2019 at 18:00
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