The Workshop
An Athens Festival and Onassis AiR international residency programme of the Onassis Foundation

Onassis AiR, the new international artist and curator residency programme of Onassis Foundation addresses the growing insulation and introversion of performing and visual artists, both in Greece and worldwide.

As part of the 2019 Pilot Collaborations, Onassis AiR and the Athens & Epidaurus Festival have designed a cycle of professional development workshop sessions aimed at Greek contemporary theatre and dance artists, stage directors and choreographers, whose new projects are commissioned by the official programme of the 2019 Athens Festival.

Six selected artists whose current work, or current interests, are grounded in interdisciplinary practices, are invited to participate in three intensive workshop sessions, guided by curator and choreographer Satu Herrala, dramaturg and artist Peter Stamer, and producer and curator Silke Bake.

The three-part workshop cycle will take place in Athens on March 25 - 30, 2019 and will focus on the development of commissioned, in-progress projects scheduled to be presented at the Festival this summer, examining each project from a different point of view (dramaturgy, curation, production).


  • 25/03 until 30/03/2019 at 12:00
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