Vitoria Kotsalou

Day Οut of Time

“The dancing bear rises…to reincarnate society.” Tyrone O’Ros

From sunrise to sunset, twenty one dancers will devote the day to being in a state of dance. Each of them will do so individually in selected public spaces in the centre of Athens.
This practice originated as a personal need, as a way of seeking and testing the perception of dance on a personal, social, and cosmic level. An act dedicated to the union of dance and life, an opportunity for tracing the poetry that exists both inside us and around us. A dialogue with limits and nature, calling into question the various ways in which dance emerges.
The body in dance opens out a multiplicity of meaning – its generosity offers a different kind of awareness. The dancer is within the action of his own practice inscribing new possibilities of presence.  As with the qualities of ‘a gift’ the dancer demands nothing, seeks not to gain praise, but makes an embodied offer that generates reflection. This reflection implicates the body and presence of the spectator / passerby, the landscape and the wider context of movement we are contained in.
The audience is invited to visit the dancers using the uploaded map. They may visit the dancers throughout the whole day, and stay with them for however long they wish, witnessing the event.

Thank you  to Jeff Gormly , Steve Valk  and especially Michael Klien  who supported the initiation of this project.

The dancers will spend an entire day, from sunrise to sunset, at the locations listed on the map. They may briefly leave their individual posts, if necessary.