Armonia Atenea – The Friends Of Music Orchestra

Pylades – Jocasta

Giorgos Kouroupou’s two ‘tragic’ chamber operas, turning points in both the modern Greek approach to the tragic and in contemporary Greek music theatre, are to be performed in a joint programme by the Armonia Atenea. Both works are underlain by new approaches to the ‘dark side’ of the tragic by important writers (Giorgos Cheimonas and Ioulita Iliopoulou), focusing on two characters, Pylades and Jocasta, who play a supporting role in the myths of Electra and Oedipus respectively. At the same time, the works are intensely emotional hymns to the expressive range of the female voice and fine examples of the unique balance between the intellectual, the lyric and the immediate which Kouroupos achieves in his compositions.