
​The Dark Manifesto

Dark Manifesto is a lecture performance about the end of manifestos in the 21st century. Texts, images, sounds and words are the stuff of this production for four performers who use a supposed Press conference, which the audience gets to attend, as their raw material. The company draws on various sources including aerial photographs from data centres and airports, a hard disk containing the collective memory of all mankind, speeches and major manifestos from the last century, then systematically mixes its material up into a non-linear narrative which presents the collapse of major narratives. Dark Manifesto means experiencing the world in a limited way. Soon, the real way to live will be in secret.
Artists from three well-known companies have worked together to stage Dark Materials: Blitz (Yorgos Valais), The Erasers (Voltnoi Brege) and drog_A_tek (Makis Kentepozidis, Stefanos Konstantinidis, Thaleia Ioannidou).

With English surtitles