Maya Lymberopoulou

Demons and the Possessed
Adapted from Dostoyevsky's Demons

Part I : 23, 25 and 29 July at 21:00
Part II :  24, 26 and 30 July at 21:00
Parts I & II : 22, 27, 28 and 31 July at 20:00

The bleak world of Dostoevsky (1821-1881) and the timeless questions he poses, his unrivalled art in dissecting the human soul and the theatricality with which he captures “the caves of Dante and the corruption of a generation” continue to challenge those working in the theatrical arts today.

A novel “written not for the present, but for the future”, The Possessed (1872) concerns itself with political and religious questions on the eve of great social upheaval. This work, which is marked by an extreme plurality of viewpoints and tells the tale of reckless nihilistic loners, leftists and atheists, human creatures great and small entangled in a web of conscience and remorse, is performed by a brilliant cast (dubbed a “dream team” by one actress).

With this production, the Athens Festival is honouring actress Maya Lymberopoulou’s fifty years of work on the stage.