Georgia Mavragani – Happy End Theatre Company

Suddenly, Last Summer
by Tennessee Williams

A homosexual poet is devoured by a mob of starving boys. This incident constitutes his last – unwritten – poem. A woman survives him, after bearing witness to both his literary work and his fate. She will not hesitate to recite his poem in defiance of her family who means to silence her. A poem that will not be delivered in the form of the death rattle by a guilty, self-punishing conscience, but as the harrowing celebration of an enduring love. Tennessee Williams’ play and its autobiographical implications are universally known by now. Director Georgia Mavragani, who has won acclaim in recent years for her productions, does not mean to analyse Williams’ personality and life. She does, however, retain the play’s personal tone to illustrate our own desires, filtered through the playwright’s poetics. Williams’ powerful story is re-imagined as a parable for our times, featuring a group of major actors.