Lena Kitsopoulou

Blood Wedding by Federico García Lorca

 “Life is laughter amid a rosary of deaths”
Federico García Lorca

The theme of love lost, love thwarted by social convention, is fundamental in Federico García Lorca’s body of work and reflects his personal experiences. The unquenchable flame of the star-crossed adolescent romance of Leonardo and the Bride in Blood Wedding (1933) leads, inevitably, to tragedy. Unconventional as ever, Lena Kitsopoulou vividly reawaken the Spanish poet’s unconditional defence of romantic fervour, while poking fun at social hypocrisy and taboos. The director and her actors take the plunge and bare themselves: Nikos Karathanos, Emily Koliandri, Ioanna Mavrea, Maria Kallimani, Vicky Volioti, Giannis Kotsifas, Christos Sapountzis.