Mabou Mines


This legendary production of A Doll’s House – in which Nora towers over a cast of male dwarfs – has come to Athens! Riding the crest, as ever, of the avant-garde wave, Lee Breuer and his experimental New York company turn their attentions to Ibsen’s heroine who abandons the family home in the year 1879 and is transformed from a ‘doll’ into a symbol of female emancipation.

Breuer undermines the patriarchalism of Nora’s social context by casting Lilliputian actors as the play’s small-minded male characters, and statuesque actresses in its two female roles. The contrast adds a surreal element along with a new dramatic intensity which is heightened by the choreography and piano accompaniment. A deconstruction of Ibsen’s epic, this production casts away from conventional interpretations of this classic work. It received the Obie Award for both Direction and Best Actress, 2004 [B.P.].

Please note this performance contains adult content and nudity

Produced by Sharon Levy/Dovetail Productions, Inc.

Production Management Technical Theater Solutions LLC – Rhys Williams and Christine Parker