Manolis Mitsias in concert

Evening Dialogues
Tsitsanis – Hadjidakis: Two Worlds Meet

Manolis Mitsias, a singer whose contribution to Greek entechno music has been invaluable, presents a special musical dialogue between diverse Greek composers who are all at the top of their genres. Mitsias has been privileged enough to perform in first execution numerous songs by favourite Greek composers such as Manos Hadjidakis, Mikis Theodorakis, Stavros Xarchakos, and Vassilis Tsitsanis. Manolis Mitsias’ voice is a sensitive barometer of the times and especially poignant today. He is accompanied by the “Thanasis Tsipinakis” Plucked Strings Orchestra of the Municipality of Patras, an ensemble known for the high calibre of its performances.

With the participation of the Plucked Strings Orchestra of the Municipality of Patras