Art Installation – Discussions

Xenia Kalpaktsoglou - Christoforos Marinos - Christos Chryssopoulos

AEF2024_Ξένια Καλπακτσόγλου_Χριστόφορος Μαρίνος_Χρήστος Χρυσόπουλος © Πάρις Ταβιτιάν (1)

The emblematic TV programme A film, a discussion (ERT, 1976-1982) by Robert Manthoulis had been a crucial meeting point fostering dialogue among Greek intellectuals of the post-war period.

Using it as a springboard and source of inspiration, curator Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, art historian and curator Christoforos Marinos, and author Christos Chryssopoulos revive the conditions that gave life to that programme as a multidimensional and ongoing project.

The set is completely reconstructed and transformed into a visual art installation, hosting works and archival material that comment on the timeline of the Metapolitefsi era (in cultural, political, social, and ideological terms). During the first three days, the set will host numerous open discussions with speakers from a variety of fields (artists, academics, activists).

The discussions will be filmed in real time to produce three contemporary versions of a television dialogue while maintaining the qualities of the programme’s original concept. An ambitious and complex project that explores the present by looking back at the legacy and timeline of the last fifty years of Greek history.

The discussions will be held in Greek.