Municipal and Regional Theatre of Patras – Anatoli Vassiliev

Euripides, Medea

A pivotal figure in the European theatre, the director, educator and academic Anatoly Vasiliev takes on Euripides’ Medea (431 BC) for the first time, in the wake of his production of Heiner Müller’s Medea Material.

What exactly is the act of the betrayed ‘barbarian’ witch who kills her children, and in so doing condemns male infidelity and the unequal treatment meted out to woman, “that most wretched of creatures”? “The first answer that springs to mind is revenge”, says Valérie Dreville, who played Müller’s heroine. But Vasiliev “replaces ‘revenge’ with ‘sacrifice’”. | And the Russian master tackles a second issue: delivering a poetic text without resorting to verbal and emotional stereotypes. [D.Κ.]