Municipal and Regional Theatre of Rhodes

Call Μe Βy Μy name! by Vasilis Alexakis 

“The play is actually a continuation of the tale of Phaedra and her nurse, Oenone, as told by Euripides and Racine. Thousands of years later, which is to say in the present day, the two women find themselves on a desert island no bigger than a bedsit... waiting. What are they waiting for? For a boat, or for the sea-monster which spooked Hippolytus’ horse and brought about his death. As they wait, they quarrel, make up, throw pebbles into the sea – which can only make their island even smaller – laugh and wake up, sometimes in high spirits, sometimes not. Their endurance calls Godot to mind; their good humour Happy Days. But there’s a difference: something happens; the Greek-American shows up with his inflatable dinghy and his mother’s meat balls, regaling them with his adventures in the States, which aren’t all that different from Theseus’ own. And the monster puts in an appearance, too...”

Vassilis Alexakis