National Theatre of Greece – Thomas Moschopoulos
Sophocles, The Trachiniae (Women of Trachis)
A devastating tragedy set in motion by Deianeira’s all-consuming passion for Heracles. A world in which Eros-inflamed heroes commit wild and uncontrollable acts; a poisonous, destructive world in which the gods are vengeful and knowledge does not lead to the light. Deianeira, madly in love and desperate, will try to win back Heracles’ love with a magic potion made from the blood of Nessus the centaur, but her efforts to ward off the inevitable will lead ineluctably, and without her wishing it, to the death of her beloved.
Thomas Moschopoulos returns to the Greek National Theatre after the success of Alceste to direct a 26-member cast in one of Sophocles’ finest tragedies.