Teatro La Re-Sentida - Marco Layera

Oasis de la Impunidad

Eight bodies twitching on stage. Are they suffering or having fun? Is there pride or fear in their movements? All together they form a police body, strictly disciplined. To keep order, they must exercise violence against which there is reaction: their victims threaten to overflow the space and cause a social explosion! Teatro La Re-Sentida, which enchanted audiences at Peiraios 260 with the explosive energy of teenage girls from Chile last year, once again merges provocative and reflective elements approaching theatrical creativity as a laboratory for criticism, reflection, and social visioning. Marco Layera and Teatro La Re-Sentida draw inspiration from the social uprising in October 2019 in Chile and stage a choreographic reflection on the dialectics of violence that transcends the borders of their country addressing every citizen of our contemporary world.

With Greek and English surtitles

The performance uses stroboscopic and smoke effects

Audience discretion: The performance contains nudity

June 22: Post-show talk on June 22 with Marco Layera. Moderated by Martín Valdés-Stauber with Konstantinos Tzikas


The successful collaboration launched in 2021 between the Athens Epidaurus Festival and the Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, continues this year at the heart of Peiraios 260, building an invaluable bridge between theory and practice. Half an hour before our admission to the theatre venues, young theatre researchers will whet our appetite for the much-anticipated performances, hone our sensibility, and decipher the often challenging “codes” of contemporary performing arts.

*The Prologue initiative will take place before the start of international productions

Peiraios 260 (D)

  • 22/06 until 23/06/2022 at 21:00
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