SEASON Women Project

Women Walk Home

In 1975, one year after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, 30,000 women silently walk towards the occupied city of Famagusta (“Ammochostos” in Greek). In 1987 and 1989, thousands of women cross the “green line” and come face to face with the occupation army. In 1988, one hundred women from Cyprus occupy the Acropolis in Athens as an act of protest. Do all these remind us of something? Does the “Women Walk Home” movement ring a bell?

A performance about a story of heroics, vision, hope, cooperation for an epic achievement that has faded from our collective memory, diminished and forgotten. During the 1970s and 1980s, employing remarkable strategies, the “Women Walk Home” movement organized peaceful anti-occupation marches in Cyprus, aiming to break through the opposition line and turn the Cyprus problem into a matter of international interest.

Based on authentic testimonies, presented here verbatim, this production asks us to examine the official history with a critical eye, focusing on timeless issues: the erasure of female experience from official history and the absence of a female perspective from public life.

The plot deals with the true price of this struggle on both a personal and a collective level; the tension between hope and despair, between a vision for peace and a story of violence and trauma.

The dramaturgy largely follows the historical events yet with a major twist deriving from the nature of verbatim theatre: it is in constant dialogue with the present and today’s audience.

Duration 1 hour 50 minutes

Peiraios 260 (E)

  • 15/06 until 16/06/2023 at 21:00
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