Workshop for children: Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay
In collaboration with the Museum of Cycladic Art, linked to the eponymous exhibition

How can we establish an effective dialogue between ancient and modern art? How can this connection be brought out through the fresh perspectives of children? The educational programme ‘Picasso and Antiquity. Line and Clay,’ running parallel to the eponymous exhibition at the Museum of Cycladic Art as part of this year’s Athens Festival tribute to children, aims to highlight children’s creativity, focusing on the interplay between ancient clay artifacts and Picasso’s contemporary ceramics. Combining plastic arts and design, and juxtaposing ancient and contemporary work of arts, this project will encourage children to discover fragments of art objects as if they were junior archaeologists, to create their own works of art and, finally, to curate an exhibition. The exhibition featuring pieces made by the children – a simulation of the original exhibition – will be displayed at Peiraios 260 until the finale of the 2019 programme. In September, the exhibition will be moved to the Museum of Cycladic Art. Volunteer students from the Athens School of Fine Arts will also participate.

Peiraios 260 (Courtyard)

  • 08/06 until 09/06/2019 at 18:30
  • 22/06 until 23/06/2019 at 18:30
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