René Pollesch

Bad Decisions
A film

“Now, this is how I'm gonna die, maybe – I'll be lying there telling myself, surely there are things out there I could’ve sugarcoated? And I'm sure I'll be coming up with some idea after all. I'm unable to do anything anymore. I can't even get myself to act sour any longer. What I could do is try to get someone else to go sour. Recently I was invited to a small dinner somewhere by someone who would regularly smash his plates. Having smashed all his plates, he had no tableware. And I went like: “Why is there no tableware?” And he said: "Well, you gotta be resourceful.” What, he smashes his plates and then goes on to try to come up with some idea to cope with it? I've no idea what he's going do about it. Eating from the floor, borrowing plates from the neighbours, I've no idea.” The 2016 film Bad Decisions was developed concurrently with the rehearsals for Pollesch’s play “I Love You, but I’ve Chosen Entdramatisierung.”