Romeo Castellucci – Societas Raffaello Sanzio

On the Concept of the Face, regarding the Son of God

Romeo Castellucci returns to Greece following the success of his Divine Comedy two years ago. This year he will be a guest of the Athens Festival once again, with the performance On the Concept of the Face, regarding the Son of God, in which he examines the relation of man with the image of God, referring back to some of his most famous depictions.
As he himself characteristically stated: 'This is just the beginning. I  want to meet Jesus in his long absence. The visage of Jesus is not there. I can only see paintings and statues. I know of more than thousands of painters from the past, who spent half their lives trying to reproduce the unspoken, almost invisible expression of sadness that could be seen on his lips.' This play does not deal with the substance of faith, but attempts to highlight the relation of theatre itself with religion, as both interact with people through a vocabulary of symbols and rules.

Executive Producer
Societas Raffaello Sanzio


in Coproduction with

Theater der Welt 2010, deSingel international arts campus / Antwerp, Théâtre National de Bretagne / Rennes, The National Theatre / Oslo Norway, Barbican London and SPILL Festival of Performance, Chekhov International Theatre Festival / Moscow, Holland Festival / Amsterdam; Athens Festival, GREC 2011 Festival de Barcelona, Festival d’Avignon, International Theatre Festival DIALOG Wroclav / Poland, BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival), spielzeit'europa I Berliner Festspiele, Théâtre de la Ville–Paris, Romaeuropa Festival, Theatre festival SPIELART München (Spielmotor München e.V.), Le-Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg / Scène Européenne , TAP Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers- Scène Nationale, Peak Performances @ Montclair State-USA

A special thank to Centrale Fies for housing the italian rehearsals

The general activity of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio is supported by the following italian Institutions: 

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali; Regione Emilia Romagna; Comune di Cesena  


The performance is sponsored by
Michalis Stathopoulos