Simos Kakalas - Choros Theatre Company

​Greek Freak
all star game

Simos Kakalas performs his favourite type of theatre. The artist delivers a deliciously self-mocking and self-conscious variety show, “right on time before the institution of the theatre collapses on our startled heads.” A hotchpotch of habitual offenders of the theatre world are sentenced to life by Greece’s eminent Internet Society of Theatre Critics. The performers are forced to constantly produce new, solid artistic products, in the hope of keeping audiences and critics fascinated and entertained. Deep inside themselves, they know that, in case of failure, they have only the summer slump, starvation, and death to look forward to. Several artists will assist them in their effort to prove that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Should we expect a deus ex machina to come to their rescue? This performance is dedicated to the memory of the “hundreds of victims slain by Internet critics.”

For mature audiences only.