If something has been brutally banished from our current age of technology and information, that’s silence. The ever-present barrage of human activity causes endless noise. In addition to silence, the capacity to listen also seems to be fading away. However, what is silence? What dimensions can it assume?
In their latest piece, the RootlessRoot duo creates a world dedicated to silence and its power. They explore an unknown universe where silence communicates with all those listening carefully to it, with all those conversing with it and utilizing what it has to offer them. Silence is treated as an absolute condition, confronting those who participate in it with the mystery of their own selves and the world at large. Sometimes as a place of reflection, critical thinking and memory, sometimes as a place of faith, prayer and encounter with the divine, silence becomes the space for movement before the actual movement or action. Drawing material from philosophy, theology, poetry, literature and painting, the duo investigates the condition of silence as a medium of self-knowledge and an experiencing of the world. Via improvisations and exercises, the movement research will dictate the choreographic material and theatrical elements of this production.
Strobe lighting effects will be used during this performance for 4 min.
grape – Greek Agora of Performance is an exciting new initiative by the Athens Epidaurus Festival aiming to establish a platform for Greek artists to communicate with the international Theatre and Dance scene, giving them the opportunity to present their works to representatives and artistic directors of international festivals and cultural institutions abroad. The platform presents 14 new productions in two periods: 3 – 8 July & 18 – 22 July.
grape is open to the general public and is part of the main artistic programme of the Athens Epidaurus Festival. The performances included are also scheduled on dates outside the duration of the platform.
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Duration 1 hour
Peiraios 260 (D)
- 03/07 until 04/07/2023 at 21:30
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Theatre | grape | Dance | Classical music | Contemporary Ancients