Solos and duets from the Greek dance scene

Through the Looking Glass
Serenity Square / Pinocchio / Poetic Asylum

Greece’s new dance generation questions the traditional roles assigned to dancer and choreographer, does away with the lines of demarcation between them, and opens itself up to new experiences far from the logic of the constructed spectacle. A range of different Approaches to corporeality emerge from Through the Looking Glass.

Georgia Vardarou and Tassos Karachalios, dancers making their foray into choreography in the duet Serenity Square, turn the body into an object and instrument of reflection, distancing themselves from the fetishism of technique by focusing on issues of structure, movement quality and space (that of the symbolic frame formed by the theatre in which the action takes place).

In his solo Pinocchio, Kostas Tsioukas attempts to intervene anew in the audience’s reception of dance by undermining narrative through his idiosyncratic movement

Menti Mega and Manolis Andriotakis from the group 'Φora etc enter into a dialogue with their references in the performance Poetic Asylum, exploring the common ground between poetry, movement and visual actions which  lies on the blurred boundaries between art and life [K.V.].