State Theatre of Northern Greece - Cezaris Graužinis

Seven Against Thebes
by Aeschylus

When his horrific deeds are revealed, Oedipus leaves the throne to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, who agree to alternate as rulers of Thebes. However, when the time comes for Polynices to take his turn as king, Eteocles does not keep his promise. Angered by his brother’s duplicity, Polynices forms an alliance with the king of Argos, Adrastus, and plans a campaign against Thebes. One commander from each side takes up position in front of each of the city’s seven gates. Eteocles–the tragedy’s only real protagonist–and Polynices end up facing each other outside the seventh gate of besieged Thebes as Eteocles tries to organize a counter attack in a battle which is destined to have no real victor.

Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus

  • 22/07 until 23/07/2016 at 21:00
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