Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė - Vaiva Grainytė - Lina Lapelytė

Sun & Sea – An Opera-Performance

A sunny day on a dreamy, sandy beach. A host of bodies sunbathing, singing, telling their stories, talking in unison and becoming a Chorus. At the crossroads of theatre, music, and visual arts, the visually stunning opera-performance Sun and Sea highlights the connection between realism and poetry in an emotional manner. Or as curator Lucia Pietroiusti puts it: "A chorus of songs: everyday songs, songs of worry and of boredom, songs of almost nothing. And below them: the slow creaking of an exhausted Earth, a gasp".The performance represented Lithuania in the 2019 Venice Biennale, where it won the Golden Lion for Best National Participation.


Young theatre and dance researchers introduce audiences to the performances

For many of us, a Festival performance is a fascinating, unexplored universe waiting to be discovered. What is the starting point of a performance? What “school” does it fall into? What can be inferred about the process of art making through the style of a particular performance?

Through this new practice, launched in the summer of 2021, the Athens Epidaurus Festival, in cooperation with the Theatre Studies Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as part of the Master’s programme “Greek and World Theatre: Drama, Performance, Education”, invites post-graduate students – theatre researchers and dance experts – to delve into the Peiraios 260 performances and facilitate access to this creative world for audiences. Young researchers and experts will whet festival-goers’ appetites and provide them with theoretical tools in order to give them a better understanding of the performance they are about to enjoy.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, all performance dates are subject to change


Peiraios 260 (D)

  • 01/09 until 02/09/2021 at 20:00
  • 01/09 until 02/09/2021 at 22:00
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