The Bolshoi Orchestra and Chorus

Works by Sergei Prokofiev

The Bolshoi Orchestra and Chorus have devoted their only concert performance at this year’s Athens Festival to the charismatic composer, Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953). On the eve of their operatic appearances, the historic Moscow ensembles perform three landmark works from the nineteen thirties which the composer wrote during the difficult period following his return to the Soviet Union and his reconciliation with the new regime.

The programme includes the lyrical Violin Concert No. 2, with Thessaloniki’s Simos Papanas as the soloist, the cantata based on the score composed for Sergei Eisenstein’s film, Alexander Nevsky with its unique choral themes, and the Waltz suite for orchestra, which was written a few years before Prokofiev’s death.

The concert is conducted by Alexander Vedernikov. The chief conductor and musical director of the Bolshoi Theatre since 2001, his schedule also includes frequent performances in Europe’s greatest opera houses. [Y.P.]