Yannis Houvardas
The Other Side of the Tempest
An imaginary encounter between Orson Welles and William Shakespeare’s world
Shakespeare’s The Tempest meets the Golden Age of Hollywood and the brilliant, rebellious artist known as Orson Welles in this new work by director Yannis Houvardas. The poetic, original text is now set in a mythical yet familiar environment, drawing on two swan songs: the English dramatist’s last play and Welles’ final, unfinished movie The Other Side of the Wind. Prospero’s world, his “magical island”, will be reimagined as a large, old Hollywood studio. The characters will all be recognizable, legendary stars of Hollywood films. The present performance, a spectacular mixture of theatre and cinema, with brilliant actors representing all generations of the Greek theatre, will exude an aura of matter struggling to become spirit, such stuff as dreams are made on.
With English surtitles / With Greek surtitles on opening night for persons with hearing impairment
June 4: Post-show talk with Yannis Houvardas. Moderated by Dionysis Kapsalis.
Peiraios 260 (D)
- 01/06 until 07/06/2022 at 21:00
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Theatre | Classical music | Contemporary Ancients | Premiere