Roger Bernat

The Rite of Spring
Based on the choreography by Pina Bausch


Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky is one of the most seminal ballets of the 20th century, which Pina Bausch reintroduced to us in an iconic 1975 performance. It was from her "reading" that Catalan avant-garde artist Roger Bernat took inspiration for this work. Instead of creating a new stage play, he passes the baton to the spectators, who are handed headphones. Anything they hear could serve as a narrative, a description, a paraphrase or a hint. If they so wish, they can become the protagonists of a performance that is both a game and a choreography.

The work has been performed in dozens of countries around the world, from Brazil and Canada to Egypt, Finland, and Japan.