Theatre Company Diaspora - Dennis Reid & Youla Boudali

by Lynn Nottage

Set in the combustion civil war of the Congo, where warring factions change power like a day in Springfield. Mama Nadi’s bar, is a neutral place where soldiers of both sides leave weapons outside to unwind with liquor, music and entertainment by “Mama’s girls”. These women suffering the harshest scars of war, rape, beatings and ostracization by their communities, survive by the rules of the House.

The Greek première of Lynn Nottage’s Pulitzer prize-winning play (2009) directed by Britain’s Dennis Reid. The play unfolds in Congo, a country in the throes of civil war. As part of her research, the playwright travelled to Uganda to talk to women and gather material. The play tells the story of a woman who tries to survive amidst the civil strife by running a bar where the victims of gang rapes work as prostitutes. Using humour and combining the documentary theatre form with live music and original video recordings, the production speaks to everyone who has ever been part of our society for a shorter or longer time without our knowing the terrible things they have experienced. The cast, most of whom are of African and Middle Eastern origin, tell the stories of people fighting to survive in conditions of unprecedented brutality.