Vassilis Mavrogeorgiou - Skrow theater group

Jettison – Things I Left Behind

We are forever leaving behind people, ideas, views, favourite music, styles, fashions, politics, homes, neighbourhoods, groups, dreams, jobs, families. Our quest to structure our personal reality means we are constantly having to choose what suits us from the thousands of options available. In the West, this choice is becoming increasingly bewildering, which is making it ever harder to identify with the Self. Natural and social factors mean we are constantly being called upon to ‘have’ in order to be. The time must therefore come when we will need to reject something in order to make room for new acquisitions, whether they be tangible or intellectual.

A small distortion is already emerging: the identification of having with being. The equating of amassing with existing. In fact, that philosophy is now so embedded in our culture, it seems almost pointless or picturesque to re-examine it. And yet, if we want to get down to the bottom of the landfill site we call our ‘soul’, we have no choice but to look it straight in the eye. Maritime Law uses the term ‘jettison’ to describe a voluntary sacrifice of part of the whole to save the whole. We cut things loose so we can keep afloat and stay alive. Of course, though, just as the sea exists without the sea lanes on its surface, so the world exists without the ever so correct and agonizingly worked-through choices (every i dotted, every t crossed) we make in relation to it. If we turn back to look at the things we’ve left behind, that’s all we’ll see: ‘things’. Time.