Akillas Karazissis

It Is Raining
by Vilia Hadjopoulou

The work concerns itself with difference. The intrusion of the different into the homogeneous disrupts the conventions of a community. What is interesting here is that the homogeneous group of the piece, the community, is a tribe (or a section of a tribe) of Native Americans. A group, therefore, on the historical, social and racial fringe of our own existence. The person who intrudes into this community (a village) is not a member of some organised group (such as an army), but a lone traveller. He is a wanderer, someone in between worlds, someone who casts doubt over both his own world, and the Native American world he enters. This is precisely what is most interesting for us. That the shape diverges on both sides. Two diverging civilisations meet. In my opinion, the most appropriate way of staging something of this kind is to introduce a third point of difference (alongside those of the Native Americans and the traveller), and this is the diversity of the team mounting the production: amateurism (as a conscious choice), youthfulness (as a conscious choice), the overlap of specialisations, the unorthodox use of people selected not for their professional abilities, but for something more special, which is the place each collaborator has within a more creative, more complicated world – the world of a theatrical work.

Akillas Karazissis