Kavala Municipal Regional Theatre - Thodoris Gonis

The Suffering of the Unemployed and the Right to Laziness
by Nikos Panagiotopoulos and Paul Lafargue

The current economic crisis is relentlessly thwarting lives and dismantling the welfare state. In this stage work, the bleak realities of 21st-century Greece are set alongside the text of a revolutionary 1883 essay written by Karl Marx’s son-in-law. Paul Lafargue’s argument in favour of the right to leisure, as a corrective to the trials of exhausting and poorly paid work that brings misery, is set in opposition to the monologues of people enduring the hardships of unemployment. In this piece of documentary theatre, Thodoris Gonis reveals the truth about the misery that exists in Greece today, and proposes an eccentric solution of his own.

Production: Municipal Regional Theatre of Kavala