Roula Pateraki

Loula Anagnostaki: A Construction Site – The Red Performance
Post-dramaturgy on Loula Anagnostaki's entire body of work

Actors who saw her

Actors who met her

Actors who performed her work

Actors who imagined her

will revive her plays

Plays will be presented in the following order: The Overnight Stay, The CityThe ParadeThe InteractionAntonio, or The MessageThe VictoryThe CassetteThe Sound of the GunDiamonds and BluesThe Journey AwayTo You Who Are Listening to Me.

The entire body of work of the great post-war Greek dramatist will be presented in a double performance held simultaneously at halls B and E of Athens Festival, on 17, 18 and 19 June.
The White Performance will be held at Hall B.
The Red Performance will be held at Hall E.
In The White Performance audiences watch Anagnostaki’s work as a model of psychoanalytic writing style, whereas in The Red Performance it is reimagined as model of political writing.


Duration 180' each part

Peiraios 260 (Ε)

  • 17/06 until 19/06/2018 at 21:00
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