Stavros Gasparatos

Rage Park (Music / Performance)

A performance/ installation based on composer Stavros Gasparatos’ music piece of the same title. Consisting of three distinct parts, Rage Park will be performed live by a five-member ensemble of musicians inside an installation serving at once as a theatrical stage and as a music instrument. The composer invites three dancers/choreographers to interact with each other, compose a choreography and perform the three music parts. Rage Park draws on pent-up rage, and the need to express this rage and liberate oneself. Combining live music and dance performance, Rage Park will explore the thin line separating calmness and rage, inviting the audience to a positively liberating experience.

Peiraios 260 (B)

  • 17/07 until 19/07/2018 at 21:00
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Music | Dance

Peiraios 260

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