Yannis Houvardas

Ödön von Horváth, Tales from the Vienna Woods

 “...on the second floor, someone is playing Johann Strauss’

Tales from the Vienna Woods on an out-of-tune piano.”

Ödön von Horvàth, the Austro-Hungarian dramatist active in the interwar period, was crushed to death by a falling branch at the age of 37 as he strolled down the Champs Elysées. Six years earlier, he had won the Kleist Prize for his Tales from the Vienna Woods (Berlin, 1931). Breathing new life into the Volksstück, a popular dramatic form, Horvàth’s poetic works chronicle Viennese society during the turbulent years of the Nazi rise to power. Manipulating the innovative and the bizarre, the comic and the tragic, he exposes with a subtle melancholy the brutality, stupidity and alienation of a world on the brink of collapse. Guiding a select cast, Yannis Houvardas gives us his first directorial

work as head of the National Theatre of Greece. [D.Κ.]

A National Theatre of Greece / Athens Festival co-production